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Anna Corrie


Special Needs & Behaviour


​I have a

Bachelor of Teaching


Bachelor of Special Education


My training and experience focused on how to support children & youth with challenging behaviours

for social, emotional & mental wellbeing in schools, alternate settings, homes & community.


This also supports peers, families, carers & community.


I have great respect and a strong interest in Wellbeing and Positive Mental Health Initiatives.

​I work confidentially and share information with others only if requested by you.


I am available for meetings & tutoring.

In person or via Skype or Zoom.


​In collaboration with you and those you wish present I can offer insights, resource ideas and strategies that support children, youth and adults with learning difficulties, disabilities any special need​;

including families and carers.


I can provide explicit instruction, strategically place holistic and required resources and offer ways to assist students, parents and carers to know and build towards what we do want to experience.


​Social, emotional, holistic wellbeing development is of great importance to me; we take ourselves into every situation, therefore our inner world needs to be feeling safe, good, strong and resilient.


​I am very comfortable supporting children with learning difficulties, disabilities, special educational needs, children with trauma, emotional disturbances and disruptive and challenging behaviours.


At the beginning of my teaching career, prior to learning about holistic healing I worked as a tutor teaching some children in care who were classed as "some of the most disturbed children in Australia";

they needed to heal, believe in themselves and life.​


We all have areas in ourselves needing care and time to grow.

I do not believe in the statement that defends challenging behaviours as "Ohh, that's just (persons name)"​​


Calmly with respect, fairness, patience, logic and intuition I have supported children and adults who demonstrate highly disturbed, challenging trauma based behaviours and/or who have a disability or comorbidity of disabilities, as well as Gifted Children and Twice Exceptional children.​


I help facilitate internal and external environments that positively support engagement and development to attain specific outcomes for a persons wellbeing and Individual Learning Plan (ILP).


As a special education teacher, tutor, childcare director and disability support worker I have had a lot of experience and success when supporting people of Diversity and the many stakeholders involved.


I am positive about supporting all people, young and old with insightful educational supports to assist daily living needs, routines and if needed to hopefully minimise any challenging behaviours that perpetuates more stress and tension for your child or family member/s.


Such examples include 


 playing with radio station and volume dials at the same time for hours every day, habitually 


changes in mood to being being nervous, withdrawn and uncommunicative


unexplained violent outbursts towards self or others to manage personal space


trauma based responses to everyday events and regular routines


frequent absconding



"Behaviour is always saying something​​".


​My pedagogy is peace based, cooperative and patient.

My inner world draws upon strengths, values, education and experiences that are of benefit.

I observe, reflect, communicate & collaborate with compassion and practical logic.

 â€‹I facilitate communication through modelling, honesty and fairness consistantly,

which delivers right, socially just care.

I facilitate participation for success.

People experience the positive '"feelings'" from their achievement which encourages future engagement.​ 

Mistakes are learning experiences, they are a natural part of how we all develop;

it informs choice and planning to support an individuals next steps.


​Approaches I trust

Creating a consistent, welcoming, warm atmosphere


​​Relax Kids

is a website supporting child and youth educations for relaxation, emotional understanding, mental health. 

These fabulous resources for children, parents, carers and teachers help children & youth peacefully

in developing inner world self care for their immediate and long term health & happiness. 

I believe this self care education is as important as any mainstream curriculum topic.


​Positive Behaviour Support (PBS)

Builds new pathways for a new inner and outer world; this way of communicating,

reinforcing wanted behaviour builds progressively towards self efficacy.

It was specifically designed to support children and youth with disability and challenging behaviours.

PBS benefits everyone around and is a pleasure to learn and utilise.


Early Intervention: Learning from and Through Play

Play is essential for children's learning and (curriculum) development.

Whist naturally differentiated in nature learning through play is guided by

the child's needs, interests and immediately connects to developmental levels.

Observation and interactions during play can inform and assist  Early Intervention for children with

emerging learning difficulties or disabilities,

as well as highlighting children's interests and strengths for extensions of learning.


Play is fun!

Games are fun!

It's easy to connect with and natural.


If it is not fun,

What is happening with thoughts and feelings?



Differentiated Learning 

Encourages engagement for a more comfortable educational experience.

It is the process of tailoring high quality education and instruction to meet all student's learning needs within their need and range of development.

A variety of options, learning tasks, activities or assignments are provided,

sharing the same outcome, to demonstrate ones knowledge, skills and abilities.


  The learner is able to engage by choosing a way to demonstrate their knowledge.

A child may wish to access their choice of coloured of lego to build a house , make a diorama, video, play

or write a paper about architecture in Ancient Egypt.


It compares, for example to asking an open ended question as compared to asking a closed question.

We are likely to get more.


The ability to choose may seem simple but it gives options which is important for those who need

autonomy and to be in control of their experiences.

It builds self-esteem, self concept and motivates participation towards self efficacy. 

Ownership and success are powerful supports the learning experience.


Differentiated Learning is particularly beneficial for Gifted students who may be bored in class and are over looked or judged as 'non compliant' due to the fact they are not doing a certain task/s.


Sometimes what we may see as a small step is a massive shift for everyone involved.


Functional Behavioural Assessment (FBA)

Informs planning as to the purpose of extreme behaviours and how we can reduce challenges or avoid triggers for children (with special needs) to create better experiences, environments and memories.


FBA is a chart documenting the repetitive challenging behaviour/s, the frequency, times and locations.

It is a process of observation and insight which I have done (informally) to understanding the purpose of behaviours. This enables a response in 'settings' that is a preventative detour.

There are many reasons why a pattern of challenging behaviour occurs.

It is a way to express when one cannot express.


For example a nonverbal child with a disability may sit under a table and bang their head

It may be caused by:


an emotional upset or conflict with a peer


 a medical cause such as headaches or toothache


 a change in teacher or school taxi driver



It is observational 'listening' to fully support individuals and groups.

A response uses well thought out, gentle strategies to improve the quality of life experience.


​I am happy to review any notes or FBA you may wish me to

and provide insights and perhaps new strategies to contribute to current support.


​Naturally in a broad, diverse and inclusive community many situations arise for children's

wellbeing, health and safety that need clear responses with consistent implementation.

The delays and restrictions for families can can be lengthy and very frustrating.


​I hope my happy presence, calm patience and optimistic determination will allow families

to feel safe, share their story and explore new options.


​Please reach out if you wish


Anna â€‹â€‹



Flinders University


Bachelor of Teaching



Bachelor of Special Education


Challenging Behaviours

Positive Behaviour Support

Gifted Education


I recommend

Relax Kids


children ~ parents ~ carers ~ teachers 

Helping children & youth peacefully to

develop inner world self care for

health & happiness





Academy of Resonance Healing


Diploma of Professional Therapeutic Massage


 Chinese Meridian Theory ~ Acupressure

Anatomy & Physiology

Deep Tissue  & Sports Massage

Remedial Stretching & Exercise

Shiatsu ~ Polarity Therapy ~ Reflexology 




Ascension & Soul Psychology

Every book & resource


Dr Joshua David Stone PhD & Wistancia Stone




Diploma of Universal White Time Healing Levels 1 & 2






New Earth Teacher (NET) Classes 1-9 

 Channie's Books, transcripts & cd's


Beyond Educations Classes 1- 4



The Board of Angels



I hope to study all I can.


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