Angel Sun Crystals
​I have always written poetry for myself to have voice. Often outside in the garden, at my table at night.
I have not shared my poetry until this year as it was not written for an audience,
It was a way for me to express deep important things in my life.
To find healing, new ideas and to honour and celebrate.
Now I have my website I thought it might be nice to share so people can get to know me and aspects of my path.
It's an extension of my Attitudinal Healing which I used to do 25- 30 years ago.
First in Journal Writing,
Then Ongoing Thought Processes
Now Poetry
​I write with Gratitude Spiritually meaningful metaphoric poetry often using 'nature' to describe my path or observations about healing & enlightenment.
Even though I have my healing modalities there are times when I feel to express myself as well.
My writing comes through as a flow of words, often only taking a few minutes for each poem.
Written with rarely any edits.
I am quite visionary and knowing for our capabilities human beings & what we can overcome & achieve.
I became Faith yet I think deeply about our wants & needs as a humanity.
It is a little way to get to know the inner me if you are interested.
​I hope you may enjoy my poetry